Joe's Bio
LEED® for Homes
The Specifics

About Us

Florida Green Home Consultants and Raters was founded in 2008 with the intent to provide impartial and unclouded guidance in green homeownership.

First, lets talk about what we don’t do. Florida Green Home Consultants and Raters is not a home builder or remodeler, we're not a product distributor, we don’t design houses, and we don’t tell you how to live your life.

It seems that the world has suddenly exploded with “green” everything, and it is our mission to help you separate fact from fiction; shake the wheat from the chafe. Our services are varied and range from new home design consulting to improving the performance of your existing home. We have the capability to act as owners representatives in new home construction, or simply assist homeowners with the development of their goals with regards to living a sustainable lifestyle.

Our services are “fee based” and tailored to your needs. With “greenwashing” becoming a growing concern, we elected to forgo commissions and “referral fees” for product and service recommendations; in short, we don’t have a financial interest in products or services so you know that the advice you receive is not swayed by our financial interests.

Likewise, when we act as an owners representative during construction projects, we are truly looking out for your interests; your contractor will know that someone is looking over their shoulder every step of the way. We've all heard the horror stories of homebuilding projects gone awry, and it might come as a shock, but sometimes homeowners have found that they didn't actually get what they paid for! Utilizing an owners representative, coupled with the roadmap, checks & balances, and 3rd party verification inherent in the LEED® for Homes program, a new homeowner will come away with a home that is built the way they intended, incorporating the exact material that they paid for, and verified to perform to the design criteria. It should be noted that we, nor any other design professionals can guarantee a project will achieve any specific rating or certification level; The US Green Building Council awards the certification, and they alone determine if, and at what level of certification, a home is rated.

If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online, we would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know your needs and questions, and we will be more than happy to help.
